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Clinical Blogs — eye health

Omega 3 & your eyes

eye health health care skincare

Omega 3 & your eyes

Do you have dry eyes? What about macular degeneration (progressive loss of central vision), cataracts and or glaucoma (increased pressure inside eyes)? We need 'good oil' to keep our eyes healthy. Studies showed that omega 3 fatty acids can help lowering pressure inside eyes and help preventing macular degeneration from getting worse. Research also indicates 4 benefits of achieving adequate level of omega 3 fatty acids in eye health: Reduce inflammation related dry eyes Reduce the risk of developing glaucoma Reduce the oxidative stress of our eyes Reduce the risk of developing macular degeneration Good oil is important for our...

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How can we prevent eye floaters?

eye floaters eye health prevent eye floaters

How can we prevent eye floaters?

What are eye floaters? Floaters are little “cobwebs” or specks that float about in your field of vision. They are small, dark, shadowy shapes that can look like spots, thread-like strands, or squiggly lines. They move as your eyes move and seem to dart away when you try to look at them directly. They do not follow your eye movements precisely, and usually drift when your eyes stop moving. What are the risk factors? Age over 50 years old Nearsightedness Eye trauma Eye inflammation Complications from cataract surgery Retina damage due to diabetes complication How do we keep our eyes...

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How to protect your eyes?

eye eye health

How to protect your eyes?

Eye sight likely is the most important part of our body we don’t want to lose. How can we keep our eyes healthy? A healthy diet with greens, fruits, nuts, and fish are good for our eyes. Minimize starchy foods and sugar. Wearing sunglasses to protect eyes from UV damage is also important. Regular eye checkup is also essential in keeping our eyes healthy. Supplementation for eyes is also necessary. Why? Study has shown that the nutritional status of our population is not sufficient to support our eyes. Many nutrients have been shown to improve and reduce the risk of...

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Let's Talk About Our Eyes!

eye health

Let's Talk About Our Eyes!

Besides short sightedness and dry eyes, the most common eye diseases are macular degeneration, cataract and glaucoma. Do you know the difference between these 3 eye diseases? Cataract is the leading cause of blindness in people over 40 years old while macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in those over 60 years of age. Macular degeneration happens when the small central area of the retina (macular) starts to degenerate due to aging or hereditary. You start to lose your central vision. Cataract is the opacity of the lens (cloud formation) that is caused by aging. There are certain...

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Do You Have Computer Vision Syndrome?

eye health

Do You Have Computer Vision Syndrome?

My eyes hurt! After staring at the computer screen, smart phone or tablet for long hours, this is a common eye problem nowadays. We call this computer vision syndrome. You will likely experience the following symptoms: Dry or red eyes Eye soreness or irritation Headaches Neck and back pain Double vision To protect our eyes, we should take a few short breaks throughout our working day and do some stretching. Also, look far away to relax our eyes. Don’t work your eyes too hard.

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