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Soft Drinks Double the Risk of Diabetes

diabetes risk Soft drinks

It has been demonstrated in previous studies that high intake of sugary drinks is linked to type 2 diabetes. Recent study consisted of 2874 adults done by Sweden researchers found out that diabetes risk may doubled for those who consume more than 2 soda daily. This is regardless of whether the beverages contain sugar or artificial sweeteners. Results indicate that:

2 or more 200ml of soft drinks (sugary or artificial sweeteners) daily were 2 times more likely to develop latent autoimmune diabetes of adults (LADA – a subtype of type 1 diabetes), 2.4 times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

Consuming Five 200ml servings of soft drinks daily is 3.5 times great risk of LADA and 10.5 times greater risk of type 2 diabetes. Again, this is regardless of sugary or artificial sweetened drinks.

We cannot emphasize enough about healthy lifestyle and healthy eating. Cut down soda intake to less than 2 a daily. Eat more wholesome foods. Optimize your nutritional status with quality supplement.


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